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Grape Ape

IndicaTHC 21%

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Grape Ape marijuana strain is an Indica strain. It is made by crossing Mendocino Purps, Skunk, and the original Afghani. It has THC levels as high as 18-21%, making it a relatively potent – but not overpowering – aid for treating sickness.
Grape Ape aromas and tastes like grapes, with a slight berry flavor, as the name says. This strain, like its Purple forefathers, generates a deep purple appearance and leaves to complement its grape-like features. It is most effective in treating chronic pain, such as migraines and arthritis, but it also helps with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The high is very calming, a full-body, powerful couch-lock and long sleep.
This is a nocturnal strain since it has a near-comatose effect. The high, on the other hand, can be joyous and concentrated, with mental clarity. Dry mouth and burning eyes are prevalent.

Marijuana Strain Indica
Bud Size Medium
Strain Grade AAA
Appearance Light green with purple hues
Concentration of Trichomes Medium - High
Common Usage Anxiety, Depression, Chronic pain, everyday Stress, Mood disorders
SKU: 395481 Categories: , , ,

Additional information

Weight 7 g

3.5 gram, 7 gram, 14 gram, 28 gram


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