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Tyson OG

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


IndicaTHC 26%


Tyson OG or OG Tyson from Kootenayz Exoticz is a pure Indica Craft Cannabis strain. You can undoubtedly anticipate a strong hitter here that will knock you completely out because it bears the name of Mike Tyson. Almost immediately after smoking, the high strikes you forcefully with a jab to the head and leaves you feeling happy but foggy and contemplative. Your body will enter a profound level of relaxation while your mind begins to wane, lulling you into sleepiness and a strong sense of couch-lock. You’ll feel absolutely lethargic and unable to move. Tyson OG is touted as being ideal for treating diseases like chronic stress, appetite loss, chronic pain, and insomnia because to these effects plus its high THC level.

The huge, bumpy lime green nugs on this bud are covered with milky golden crystal trichomes and have vivid orange hairs. The flavor of Tyson OG is harsh and skunky with a nearly overpowering undertone of unpleasant chemicals. The scent is equally abrasive, with undertones of smoky diesel and skunky skunk emphasized by a strong dose of chemical nose-burners.

1 review for Tyson OG

  1. 5 out of 5


    i’m a very OG smoker this bud probably the best i’ve ever had highly highly highly recommend such a beauty

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Marijuana Strain Indica
Bud Size Large
Strain Grade AAAA+ | Craft Cannabis
Appearance Dark green and deep purple hues
Concentration of Trichomes High
Common Usage Calming, Relaxing, Physical, Full-Bodied, Pain Relief with a couch lock

Craft CannabisIndica


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